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An outside image of Pima's Auto Tech Center at 市区的校园


皮马社区学院 is committed to advancing economic development in Southern Arizona. 与企业密切合作, 政府和社区领导人及利益相关者, PCC建立了卓越中心,为新老工人提供高科技培训和再培训,为皮马县及周边地区的整体经济活力做出贡献.

The characteristics of 皮马社区学院’s 卓越中心 are:

RESPONSIVENESS: Create and deliver in-demand programs and employees, 可叠起堆放的凭证, 学位和证书最全菠菜导航;

CONVERGENCE:开放资源的社区中心, 学徒制, 关于思想领导力的研讨会和论坛;

适应性强:专业发展水平高, career guidance and real-world experience aligned with the region’s demand.

The Centers will drive opportunities for students and help fuel our region’s economic growth.


Architectural rendering of new automotive Center of Excellence at 皮马社区学院 Based at Pima’s expanding 市区的校园 at Speedway and Stone, the 应用技术卓越中心 features the Automotive Technology and Innovation Center, 于2021年开业, 先进制造大楼, 哪一个计划在2023年开放. The Advanced Manufacturing Building will house Automated Industrial Technology (AIT), 计算机辅助设计(CAD), 加工(MAC), 焊接(WLD)最全菠菜导航. The ST building next door will be renovated, allowing the Building & Construction Technology (BCT) programs to expand from 2,000 sq. ft. 到20000平方英尺. ft.

Pima trains engineers from Caterpillar, the global heavy-equipment manufacturer. Caterpillar has identified a gap in its engineers’ skill set: they lack real-world, 工厂现场制造经验. Pima的补救措施是提供为期六周的实验室讲座最全菠菜导航, Welding for Non-Welders and Machining for Non-Machinists, 这样工程师们就能亲自动手了.


建筑 & 建设项目正在与特灵科技合作设计一个生活实验室,使学生能够编程和排除先进的加热和冷却控制系统的故障. 这种合作关系的一个特点是为学生提供实时数据,以帮助他们做出决策.

该项目将为参加JTED与特灵合作的高中生提供继续学习的途径,并获得建筑自动化的额外NC3认证. 这一扩展还将使BCT项目能够扩大与亚利桑那大学在建筑控制系统学徒方面的合作伙伴关系.

自动化工业技术(AIT)和计算机辅助设计(CAD)最全菠菜导航将增材制造能力整合到几门最全菠菜导航中. Both programs continue to expand their robotics and 3D printing capabilities.

整合自治, 连接, 汽车技术(AUT)的电气和共享(ACES)范式:汽车项目正在提高其电气和电子能力, the areas industry has identified as the most important precursors to teaching advanced assist systems.

汽车技术与创新中心将为福特等原始设备制造商(oem)提供空间, 斯巴鲁, 和克莱斯勒.

航空和AIT项目已经讨论了增加无人机/无人机组件用于驾驶和维护/修理. 这些附加功能将与行业咨询成员合作开发,以确保与高薪职业保持一致. 该航空项目为150名学生提供服务,并将在未来几年内将其学生人数增加一倍,达到300人.

与劳动力发展合作, 灵活工业培训(FIT)实验室将提供本地雇主需要培训工人的先进制造设备, 在一个专业的环境中,最全菠菜导航可以安排任何时间和时间表提供培训, 而且不受校历的限制. The Lab will be flexible to adopt the most current equipment employers are using, keeping pace with the accelerated rate at which local manufacturers are adopting new technology.


Architectural rendering of new 航空技术中心 of Excellence at 皮马社区学院While located at Tucson International Airport in dedicated hangar space, the 航空技术中心 is part of the 应用技术卓越中心.

皮马社区学院是亚利桑那州唯一的航空维修和维护培训项目,提供商业和支线飞机的实践培训. 该项目在全国享有卓越的声誉, 雇主对其毕业生的需求很高. This expansion will double the number of new graduates every year, filling openings that would otherwise potentially go unfilled, 平均收入52美元,000元/年, 并为全州经济带来工资收入.


皮马社区学院 dental students with simulation mannequin

健康专业卓越中心位于皮马大学西校区,为包括护理在内的多个医疗保健项目提供最先进的培训, 外科手术技术, 呼吸道护理, 医学化验技术, 牙科研究及其他.

卓越中心将这些综合项目集中到一个单元中,以支持我们的学生将获得的多种职业道路. Funding has been identified to develop high-tech space that mimics a hospital environment.

学生们已经从包括ipad在内的技术中受益,这些技术通过增强现实和增强视频扩展了学习和理解. 模拟人体模型允许学生在进入实际患者的临床护理之前,在安全和支持的环境中学习和磨练技能.


  • 准备未来的医疗保健专业人员在一个技术和医疗设备正在积极监测/测量慢性疾病的世界中发挥作用, 包括植入设备.
  • Increases understanding of how technology impacts daily living activities including fitness, 健康教育, 跟踪症状, 以及疾病管理.
  • 准备未来的卫生专业人员在流动工作中为患者提供联络和指导支持, 无线, 远程医疗, 智能手机应用程序.
  • Prepares future healthcare professionals to function a world of telehealth and 远程医疗.

Center of Excellence in Information Technology/Cybersecurity


Located at the 东校区, this rapidly growing program is centered around the 亚利桑那网络战靶场, the only “live-fire” cyber range at a community college.

该系列是一个独特的机会和合作伙伴关系. 由学生和社区志愿者运营, 它为it专业人员提供了一个安全地带, community members and students alike can safely explore “live fire” cyber attacks and defenses. 学生, community members and businesses have the opportunity to test, 监控, 加强亚利桑那州网络战范围和CoE内所有类型技术和物联网设备的安全性. 这创造了一个破坏性的学习环境, 不局限于虚拟模拟, 这是对传统教育模式的补充. We regularly have instructional and participatory events with K-12, 亚利桑那州职业技术教育协会, 公众及商界人士.

除了, Pima’s goal is to fundamentally change IT education and provide practical hands on experiences, 与社区和员工互动. The Center creates this nexus through four primary areas:

  • 学生运行数据中心: The datacenter provides students with an enterprise IT environment incorporating multiple systems, 供应商, 技术. 像今天的大多数数据中心一样,这个数据中心超越了我们的物理位置,进入谷歌云服务,为学生提供现实的IT体验.
  • 网络安全运营中心: The student CSOC provides a facility where students can analyze and 监控 threat feeds, 并实时提供响应信息. 另外, the AZCWR which is also an Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (ISAO), is providing international threat intelligence to Pima from its sources and partners worldwide. This combination makes the Pima CSOC a credible and active threat response resource.
  • 融合的空间:这是一个积极的学习室,可以容纳各种各样的活动,从简短的研讨会主题, to class and student activities that range from Capture The Flag competitions, 跨学科教学, 对供应商和社区的合作.
  • 亚利桑那网络战靶场



This Center features Fire Science and 紧急 Medical Services, the Law Enforcement and 政府 of Justice and Transportation and Logistics.

全国公认的是皮马与美国的伙伴关系.S. 空军提供医疗准备机构(AFMRA)训练飞行员作为国家认证的护理人员在一个快速项目.

Also, garnering national attention is a partnership with TuSimple. 合作, Pima创建了该国首个提高卡车司机在自动驾驶卡车操作方面技能的证书——自动驾驶车辆驾驶员和操作专家证书.

皮马社区学院还培训了皮马县的大多数急救人员,合作伙伴包括:2个执法机构, 12个消防局/区, 6家医院和1个救护车连.



皮马社区学院 culinary program student wearing chef's jacket and working in kitchen

Designed to support Tucson’s important hospitality and tourism industry, 皮马卓越中心与行业合作伙伴合作,为学生应对当今的挑战和机遇做好准备.

将课堂学习与实践经验相结合, 皮马的学生准备处理广泛的责任,并受到当地雇主的需求.

The program is using its first Title V grant “Pathways to Hospitality,” a $2.700万奖金, to create state-of-the-art facilities featuring three commercial kitchens, 重新启用的烤架, 一个新的餐厅和小酒馆, 向公众开放, 还有酒店套房学习实验室.

中心的一个亮点将是 示范厨房和露天剧场 equipped with advanced teaching technology using mobile, 云, 和物联网的虚拟, 在线和增强学习. The space will provide the ability to hold business and community projects and events.




Featuring beautiful performance space and art gallery space, Pima’s arts students receive classroom and real life experiences.

Arts organizations stimulate business and economic growth. 整个美国的创意产业雇佣了近300万人,占全国企业的4%左右. 每年, non-profit arts and culture organizations alone pump an estimated $60 billion into the national economy.

此外, research has shown that cities that emphasize art have more civic and social engagement, 更好的儿童福利和更低的贫困率. 

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