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Study Abroad

让自己沉浸在一个不同的文化和国家,同时获得学分. 探索亚洲,丰富你的大学经历, South America, Europe, 同时获得一生一次的体验. 皮马社区学院(PCC)的最全菠菜导航中心(CIE)是海外教育经验的中心. 工作人员随时准备帮助你充分利用你的大学经历. 

There are many benefits to studying abroad. 根据最全菠菜导航协会(IIE)的数据,有 ten great reasons to study abroad. 出国留学是一次改变人生的经历. 在你决定出国留学之前问自己一些问题. 

  • 你想从这次经历中学到什么?
  • How do you handle uncertainty and changes?
  • 这段经历会在学术、专业和个人方面对你有所帮助吗?
  • 你能在经济上支持你的留学经历吗? 

1. 2024年夏天,在探索爱尔兰本多兰的同时,学习皮马历史最全菠菜导航!

  • When: June 23 to July 3, 2024
  • Where: Bundoran, Ireland
  • 最全菠菜导航:HIS 141,美国历史3小时.; fulfills C&G (Available seats: 10)
  • Study Abroad Program Fee: $2,350 includes local transportation, lodging (student apartment rooms), breakfasts, most dinners and all group activities. This fee does not include Pima tuition, airfare, lunches, some dinners, travel insurance, passport fee, etc. 入学时需支付200美元的不可退还押金. 押金将用于支付最全菠菜导航费用.
  • Payment Deadline: March 31, 2024
  • 申请截止日期:2024年1月10日(逾期申请视具体情况而定)
  • For information, please refer to the flyer

Ready to apply? Please fill out the application form and we will contact you after it is reviewed.

2. 2024年夏天,在探索德国柏林的同时,参加一到两个皮马政治学最全菠菜导航.

  • When: July 20 to July 31, 2024
  • Where: Berlin, Germany
  • 最全菠菜导航注册:POS204,比较政治学导论,3小时. (July 8 to Aug. 9)和/或POS196,政治学独立研究,3学分. (July 20-31) (Available seats 16; minimum 10)
  • Study Abroad Program Fee: $3,500美元包括菲尼克斯到柏林的往返机票, local transportation in Germany, lodging (shared hostel rooms), breakfasts and most group activities. This fee does not include Pima tuition, lunches, dinners, transportation between Tucson and Phoenix, travel insurance, passport fee, some entrance fees, etc. 入学时需支付200美元押金,不可退还. 押金将用于支付最全菠菜导航费用.
  • Payment Deadline: March 31, 2024
  • 申请截止日期:2024年1月31日(逾期申请视具体情况而定)
  • For information, please refer to the flyer.

Ready to apply? Please fill out the application form and we will contact you after it is reviewed.


  1. 目前就读于皮马社区学院
  2. Be at least 18 years old 
  3. 至少修满12个大学学分,至少有2个.5 College GPA
  4. Have no code of conduct violations
  5. 保持良好的学术地位-不受学术限制/留校察看/取消资格
  6. 在PCC有良好的财务状况-没有逾期的账户余额或未付的罚款
  7. 用一篇500字的个人陈述完成留学申请. Your statement should be in paragraph format, 不作为对下列问题提供答案的问题的编号回答:
    • 出国留学将如何帮助你实现未来的学术或职业目标?
    • 你为什么选择你的特定计划和东道国?
    • 你在学术上为成为一名成功的海外最全菠菜导航做了怎样的准备? 如果你面临过重大的学业困难, 告诉我们你是如何克服这些困难的.
    • What examples of knowledge, skills, 这些经验将帮助你应对出国的挑战?
  8. 在旅行前30天持有有效护照吗 

某些项目可能有不同的要求. Please refer to the program details. 

Before applying for a study abroad program, 请研究项目信息,如资格要求, location, budget, etc. 我们也鼓励你与CIE办公室( for additional information. 

Different types of financial aids like grants, 奖学金和贷款可以帮助你支付留学经历的费用. If you receive financial aid, 你可以用它来支付一个有学分的海外学习项目的费用, including tuition and fees. 请联系PCC财政援助和奖学金办公室了解更多信息. 


  1. The U.S. Department of State's Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program 使经济条件有限的学生能够到国外学习或实习, 为他们提供对国家安全和经济繁荣至关重要的技能. 
  2. The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)为美国大学生提供暑期出国学习的机会,学习对美国与世界交往至关重要的语言. The CLS Program is part of a U.S. 政府努力扩大美国人学习和掌握重要外语的人数. 
  3. First Trip Study Abroad Scholarships 可能会为前往联合国年度人类发展指数(HDI)排名低于“非常高”的国家的个人提供资金。.


  1. Prepare yourself by carefully reading the 国务院国际旅游网站 and the CDC's International Travel site for international travelers. 
  2. Students with Disabilities:请将你的残疾需要告知 Access & Disability Resources (ADR) Office 提前做好适当的安排和合理的住宿. 
  3. Pre-departure orientations are mandatory. 入学时间将在你被录取后公布. 
  4. Housing and accommodations include, but are not limited to, residence halls, hotels, bed and breakfasts, host families, and apartments. 您可能需要与其他参与者共用一个房间. 请注意彼此的隐私、空间、习惯和睡眠模式. 


Contact Us

Center for International Education
Phone: (520) 206-6732

Kyle Hetherington,
Kyle Hetherington,
Study Abroad Student
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